Gaming Anti-Cheat Software Was Delaying Windows 10 Insider Preview

The upcoming Windows 10 April 2019 release (codenamed 19H1) is in the testing phase. While the Fast Ring is receiving testing previews frequently, Windows 10 Insider Preview Slow Ring wasn’t receiving updates for a long time.
Many companies that use Windows Insider for Business program for validating new Windows releases have complained to Microsoft regarding the lack of updates to Slow Ring.
The delay in updates could affect the deployment of Windows 10 April 2019 update once it is available for the general public. But Dona Sarkar, Chief of Windows Insider program explained in a series of tweets the reason behind the delayed updates in the Slow Ring.
(1/2)Many of you are asking why we haven't released a #SlowRing flight in a while. We have a GSOD that's caused by a very common scenario around gaming anti-cheat codes. Unfortunately the fix is in the hands of our 3rd party partner company that we're working with them on…
— Dona Sarkar (@donasarkar) February 25, 2019
(2/2) Looking at our #SlowRing population, MANY of you play these games so your machines would be very difficult to use–we are committed to releasing Slow builds that are high quality so this is why we're holding the build
— Dona Sarkar (@donasarkar) February 25, 2019
According to Dona, gaming anti-cheat software is causing GSOD – Green Screen of Death that is similar to Windows’s Blue Screen of Death but specific to preview releases.
This isn’t the first time when Windows is crashing when an anti-cheat software is used. Previously, Microsoft implemented measures like DEP and ASLR and PatchGuard to combat the issue.
One of the major issues with anti-cheat software is that they run in kernel mode that causes GSOD. Such software often meddle with the working of the operating systems and damage the kernel data structure which leads to crashing of Windows.
Dona said that the fix for the issue is to be provided from third-party partner companies that have developed the anti-cheat software and Microsoft is working with them to resolve the issue.
Earlier today, Microsoft has finally issued a Windows 10 19H1 version 18342.8 to the Slow Ring beta testers. This update has not been issued to systems running on base language ZH-CN to avoid crashing. Once the users uninstall the games that are causing the issue, the update will be pushed to them.
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