Disney Makes 3D Printer That Prints Cute Soft Toys

Last year, 3D printing noted lots and lots of advancements and all through the year, we experienced and explored many possibilities in the arena. And now, I am here with yet another good news related to 3D printing and it is going to interest all the soft toy lovers.
Disney has come up with a 3D printer that can print soft toy sort of items which you can hug, or snuggle with or either hand it to a kid without any trouble.
This 3D printer was built by Disney’s research lab along with researchers from Cornell and CMU. It’s very different from most of the 3D printer that we have come across until now. In fact, it is much alike a laser cutter in its working.
It builds up the object layer by layer, by cutting shapes out of a sheet of adhesive felt, and heating each layer together. When it’s done, you get something like a block but once you tear away the extra felt bits, left in place to support the shape as it is printed, you’re left with your bird, bunny, teddy or whatever you have printed.
However, the invention doesn’t seem too impressive, for the resolution of the print is not that good as compared to other 3D printers. Moreover, the adhesive layers don’t seem to be durable enough and also, the items printed are not of much good than to provide a kid a toy to play.
We hope that Disney’s research lab would come up with some great ideas in the future. Voice your opinions through your comments.
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