Apple Already Knew iPhone 6 Was More Likely To Bend Than Older Models

In 2014, soon after Apple released the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, it became clear that there was some hardware problem with the device that was causing it to bend. Ultimately, #Bendgate became a hot topic and company decided to use 7000 series space-grade aluminum to ensure better strength.
In a recent revelation, as per the “iPhone touch disease” court documents obtained by Motherboard, Apple already knew that iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus models were susceptible to damage.
To be precise, Apple’s testing concluded that iPhone 6 was 3.3 times more likely to bend than iPhone 5s. The larger model, iPhone 6 Plus, was 7.2 more likely to bend than iPhone 5s.
The report states that despite the findings, Apple didn’t accept that there were any engineering issues with the devices. However, an internal review suggested that engineering changes were needed to prevent the touch disease.
It’s worth noting that the iPhone touch disease was related to Bendgate as it was caused due to the stresses on chassis that were transferred to the logic board. It further resulted in the touch issue with the display.
This development shouldn’t come as a surprise as Apple rarely admits hardware flaws in public. The company is known to replace devices and make changes to the future units to get rid of the issue.
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