Apple Is Pushing Notifications For 1 Month Free Apple Music Subscription

If you are an aspiring Apple Music subscriber, here is some news! Apple is notifying users of a month’s free Apple Music subscription, which can be gifted to non-Apple Music users.
To promote Apple Music, the company is sending push notifications, clicking which will take users to a page from where referrals can be sent to non-Apple Music users.
The referrals will ensure a month’s free subscription for those who either have the free three-month trial (for free four months of Apple Music) or whose three months of free subscription has ended (for a free month of Apple Music).
However, there is no word on whether or not the free subscription is available for everyone.
For those who don’t know, this step acts as a violation of its guidelines which suggests that apps are not allowed to send push notifications for their promotion.
Additionally, if you do not find the push notifications fruitful, you can switch them off by heading to the Settings, selecting Notifications, then Apple Music, and disabling them for the same.
Are you also receiving push notifications from your Apple music app? Let us know in the comments section below.
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