10 Revolutionary Technologies To Lookout For In 2020

Technology is booming day by day — from anti-solar panels to Quantum computing; revolutionary inventions and modifications are everywhere.
2020 is going to be another year of new technologies as a number of technological advances have been lined up, as per the MIT Technology Review. These inventions are surely going to change the way we live.
10 Revolutionary Technologies To Lookout For In 2020
Anti-aging Drugs
Scientists have begun human trials of the Anti-aging drugs (Senolytics). The drugs are not supposed to make you live longer but they will reverse the process of aging.
The drug removes senescent cells; cells that lose function as we start aging, however, are resistant to cell death and infect neighboring cells.
Senolytic drugs will help save the human body from diseases that occur mainly due to aging such as Dementia, Arthritis, Cancer and Heart diseases.
Climate Change Attribution
Previously, scientists were dogmatic to link the natural disaster with climate change. Thanks to the new rising technologies, weather attribution studies have been able to accurately draw a link, thus convincing the world that climate change is real.
This came into existence by the increased computing power which allowed the scientists to develop high-resolution simulations. Now, scientists are able to perform more virtual experiments which increase the chances of tackling unwanted weather disturbances.
The studies also provide brief information about what natural risks can occur in the future. As per the latest studies, scientists came to the conclusion that global warming is boosting dangerous weather disturbances.
Unhackable Internet
The Internet is easily hackable, however, researchers are trying to create a quantum-based Internet which will be unhackable.
A team of developers at the Delft University of Technology is creating a network that will connect four cities in the Netherlands with the use of quantum technology.
The technology will be based on a quantum behavior of atomic particles known as entanglement. Previously, there have been attempts to send photons through fiber-optic cables, however, the process broke the quantum link and made the information prone to hacking.
However, entangled photons can’t be read without disrupting their content.
Differential Privacy
In the wrong hands, Census data can lead back to individuals when combined with other public statistics. To safeguard the privacy of users, the US government Census Bureau injects inaccuracies aka “noise” to protect the data.
However, the Census Bureau has often mixed up data with other statistics that resulted in the wrong identification of the residents.
Differential privacy is a mathematical technique that measures how much privacy increases when noise is added. The technique will help the bureau in keeping the identities of the residents private.
Hyper-personalized Medicine
Hyper-personalized medicines are genetic medicines that can be tailored to any person’s genes, therefore curing any specific medical issue they are suffering from. This will help in curing the diseases which are termed as too rare to cure.
Several cases are registered every year in which the patient is suffering from a rare disease caused by a genetic flaw. The concept of hyper-personalized medicines will help in curing extremely rare diseases caused due to flaws in the DNA.
Tiny AI
As of now, Artificial intelligence relies a lot on centralized cloud services, that generate high carbon emissions and limit the privacy of AI applications.
However, researchers are working on reducing the size of deep-learning models without hampering their efficiency. Nowadays, AI chips claim to possess more computational power in compact physical space.
In May 2019, Google announced that it can run Google Assitant on smartphones without establishing connections with the remote servers. Slowly and steadily, the world is moving towards Tiny AI
Digital Money
Digital money is going to be the digital version of a particular country’s currency which will work as a replacement for the physical money.
In 2019, Facebook revealed its global digital currency known as Libra, however, the idea met a lot of criticism form countries and politicians. Soon after Facebook’s announcement, the People’s Bank of China also announced that it is going to launch its digital currency.
Chinese leaders see Libra as a threat because it will be backed by US dollars. Mark Zuckerberg claimed that Libra will play a major role in providing financial leadership to America on a global level.
Quantum Supremacy
A quantum computer can perform calculations that are almost impossible for the world’s best supercomputers. In October, Google described the first incident of quantum supremacy when a quantum computer with 53 qubits – the basic unit of quantum computation – solved a calculation in a time span of three minutes.
Google claimed the same calculation would have been solved by a supercomputer in a time span of 10,000 years i.e 1.5 billion times to the time taken by a quantum computer. It clearly states that is the number of qubits will be increased, quantum supremacy can be achieved soon.
Satellite Mega-constellations
Satellite mega-constellations are being created to provide high-speed internet all around the globe. SpaceX has started creating its own mega-constellation.
SpaceX CEO Elon Musk has said that as soon as they create 400 satellite constellation, the internet service will be launched for selected areas. SpaceX has the ultimate goal of creating a constellation of 800 satellites to provide internet coverage all around the globe.
AI Discovered Molecules
Earth is home to billions of molecules and each molecule offers unlimited chemical possibilities if only researchers knew the right ones.
But now, scientists are using machine learning to explore the existing database of molecules and using the information to come up with breakthrough drugs.
Back in September, researchers at Hong Kong-based Insilico Medicine discovered 30,000 molecules with desirable properties by using deep learning techniques. Out of the total number, six molecules were selected to synthesize and test. One of them was found active and showed promising results when tested on animals.