Goodbye Xbox 360 — Microsoft Killing Production After 10 Years

Short Bytes: Last November, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 gaming console turned 10 years old. Now, Microsoft has announced that it’s retiring the console that became an entertainment hub with more that 78 billion gaming hours played. However, Xbox One owners will still be able to enjoy Xbox 360 games through Xbox One Backward Compatibility without any additional cost.
If we make the list of one of the most popular gaming consoles of the last generation, Microsoft’s Xbox 360 would surely make its way to the top. Gamers played numerous games on the console and it continues to influence the gaming industry till today.
Well, as every good thing comes to an end, Microsoft has decided to retire the gaming console after ten years of production.
According to a new blog post from Microsoft’s gaming head Phil Spencer, the company doesn’t plan to manufacture the Xbox 360 gaming console anymore. If you visit any nearby store and spot any Xbox 360 unit, it would be from Microsoft’s remainder stock.
Xbox 360 was Microsoft’s breakout hit in the States, given the fierce competition it faced from Sony and Nintendo. This gaming console also brought some changes like online features and multimedia support that are now considered standard.
“Xbox 360 means a lot to everyone in Microsoft,” wrote Spencer in the blog post. “And while we’ve had an amazing run, the realities of manufacturing a product over a decade old are starting to creep up on us. Which is why we have made the decision to stop manufacturing new Xbox 360 consoles.”
If you own an Xbox 360 console, you can still play all your favorite games, except the fact that Microsoft will be eventually ending support for that system. However, Microsoft promises to continue the updates and Xbox Live for this retiring device.
The company also announced that Xbox One owners will be able to enjoy available Xbox 360 games through Xbox One Backward Compatibility without any additional cost.
This also means that Microsoft is now selling just one gaming device in the market. The company is moving forward to couple Xbox One more tightly with Windows 10 and this step will help it to focus on the new strategy.
Also Read: Xbox One With Mouse and Keyboard Support for Gaming Coming Soon