Watching Porn Produces Millions Of Tons Of Carbon Dioxide Per Year: Study

carbon emission due to videos
Images: Depositphotos

The idea of ‘Netflix and Chill’ seems to be the best when we think of our plans for the weekend. However, what isn’t the best is the same video binge-watching habit that can lead to millions of tons of carbon production in a year.

According to a new study by The Shift Project, it is suggested that video streaming, either on YouTube, Netflix, or even Porn sites produces around 300 million tons of carbon dioxide in a year. This emission of carbon is 1% of the total worldwide emissions, which is equivalent to carbon being produced by Spain.

If you are wondering how this happens, the data centers behind our favorite video-streaming services require a lot of energy to work, which ultimately results in the production of carbon.

Carbon emissions from video-on-demand services alone such as Netflix, Amazon Prime, and others are around 34%. While pornographic videos account for 27% of carbon production, the Tubes video type produces 21% of carbon. Other video types have an 18% contribution.

carbon production due to videos

Apart from conducting a study to make us aware of the harmful effects video streaming can have, the study has also suggested that a couple of changes to video streaming services could help in lowering down carbon production.

Possible suggestions include the removal of the auto-play feature that leads to more video consumption and more carbon emissions. Additionally, data centers could make use of renewable energy as a contribution.

While you don’t have to worry about bidding goodbye to all the subscription plans you have purchased, the report simply hopes that we judicially consume video content, without causing harm to the environment.

Furthermore, the report suggests that digital technologies should be regulated.

The amount of carbon being produced appears alarming; a recent report suggests that training AI models can produce five times more carbon than a car.

It is a sign that we should start looking into the matter and try coming up with environmental-friendly ways even for those actions that are related to entertainment!

Also Read: Excessive Smartphone Usage Could Grow You A Pair Of Horns: Study

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