Lost Your Snapchat Streak? Recover It With This Simple Method
I would have deleted Snapchat a long time ago if it wasn’t for the “streaks.” This Snapchat feature makes me feel involved in my friends’ lives even if they are miles away.
After mindlessly creating streaks with nearly all my friends, I am at a phase of life where Snapchat streaks are exclusive to a few. It has always been my utmost priority to keep the streaks going. However, there have been unavoidable circumstances where I lost Snapchat streaks. Thankfully, there is a way to recover streaks on Snapchat.
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What Is A Streak On Snapchat?
A streak on Snapchat, popularly called a “Snapstreak,” is a symbol recognizing the uninterrupted exchange of snaps between two users. It doesn’t have any other use besides serving as a virtual trophy shared between a pair of active Snapchat friends.
A Snapstreak starts when you and a friend send direct snaps to each other for more than three consecutive days. To retain this streak, you both must exchange a snap every 24 hours. Also, you can share a streak with more than one friend.
Meaning Of Snapchat Streak Emoji
After you and a friend exchange snaps for over three days, a fire symbol (🔥) will appear next to the name of the friend. Alongside this symbol, a number will appear showing the number of days the streak has been on for. When a streak is about to end, you’ll see an hourglass icon (⌛️) next to the person’s name.
Moreover, the standard Snapstreak emoji changes form over time. This is because the platform awards users with special emojis, such as a mountain emoji or a “💯” streak emoji, for crossing certain streak milestones.
What Is Not Counted In A Snapchat Streak?
For keeping Snapchat streaks alive, you and your friend must send snaps to each other within a 24-hour time frame. And by the word “snaps,” we mean a direct message containing a picture or a video.
The following things do not count towards your Snapstreak with someone:
- Sending texts or stickers
- Pictures/videos sent from Memories or Camera Roll
- Content sent through Spectacles
- Snaps sent in a group
How To Restore Lost Snapchat Streaks?
Although Snapchat reminds you if a streak is about to break, sometimes you just can’t help it. And once it breaks, the standard procedure is to build the streak from scratch.
But if the lost Snapchat streak meant the world to you, there is one way to get it back. You can start the Snapchat streak recovery process by following the steps mentioned below:
On Mobile:
- In the Snapchat app, tap on the profile image at the top-left corner.
2. Tap on Settings (gear icon) at the top-right corner.
3. In the Settings menu, scroll down and tap on “I Need Help.”
4. From the options, choose “Snapstreaks.”
5. In the Snapstreaks menu, scroll down and tap on “let us know.”
6. Select “I lost my Snapstreak” from the options.
7. Scroll down, fill in the form, and hit “Send.”
On Desktop/Laptop:
- Go to Snapchat Support Page.
- Click on “Contact Us.”
3. Select “I lost my Snapstreak” in the Contact Us section.
4. Scroll down and fill in the Snapstreak form.
5. Click on “Send” to complete the request.
In the questionnaire, try to be as accurate as possible, from typing the exact username to filling the exact tally count of the Snapstreak. It’s okay if you put an approximate value in case you don’t remember, but it shouldn’t be too far from the original number.
Under the “What information should we know” question, you can explain the reason behind losing the streak. Of course, you can cook up a story such as “the internet connection failed”, or “the app wasn’t working right.” The goal here is to convince the Snapchat review team that it is a genuine case.
But, you must not make this a regular thing and use it only in extreme cases. Snapchat will likely turn down more than two requests. Also, Snapchat will probably recover your Snapchat lost streak with a single person, unless you have a legitimate case, so choose the longest one.
How To Keep The Snapstreak Going?
Keep sending snaps! This might sound like the most obvious answer, but this is what users often forget to do while waiting for the “perfect” moment.
Often, Snapchat users wait for the right surroundings, the right dress, and the right make-up, and forget to send a snap later, ultimately losing their Snapchat streak. The trick is to keep sending snaps, even if it means sharing something as boring as the fan on your ceiling.
So, that’s how you can get your Snapstreak back and keep the symbol of your Snapchat friendship alive. For active Snapchatters, there are many relevant guides on our website for things such as finding out if someone blocked you on Snapchat or taking a screenshot without letting the other person know.
The bare minimum to maintain a streak is exchanging at least 1 snap every 24 hours. The streak emoji will show up after following this practice for over 3 days.
The point of a Snapstreak is to highlight the constant sharing of snaps between friends. Therefore, it isn’t really possible for one just person to begin or maintain a streak.
As per sources, the longest streak on Snapchat stood at 2414 days in December 2021. However, there are no such records officially announced by Snapchat.