Wants to Make Divorces Easier and Cheaper by Bringing them Online

divorse.usShort Bytes: A new website by Tuzzo and Maolney promises to handle the entire divorce and filing process online. What’s more is that the initial petition costs just $99.

Sometimes, what could be more painful and traumatic than taking the divorce, is the procedure involved in it.

This ranges from confusing paperwork to the burden of expensive fees of hiring a lawyer., founded by  Sandzro Tuzzo and Larry Maolney takes divorce online, at just $99 for the initial petition.

Today, there exists a number of social networking sites to connect people, but one could barely find any website that assists people in separation. Tuzzo, a divorce attorney for 15 years, first found out the depth of complication of the forms and the process when filed his own divorce.

Hereafter, he started relating to the pains of the ones getting a divorce and tried helping them out in every possible way. Hence, he came up with the idea of an automated tool –

Tuzzo’s speech onstage at TechCrunch Disrupt SF 2015 on 22nd September in San Francisco, California.         

When users log into the website, they will encounter a list of questions and answers that explains if they are eligible for the service or not. If one qualifies for the same, then an initial paper work follows. They are assisted for the same by the application. is aiming at resolving and simplifying divorces for now. However, Tuzzo is optimistic of expanding the application of the process to resolving other conflicts as well- creating a will, for instance. The platform is currently open in California for private beta testing. An initial petition filing will cost $99.

Stay tuned for more up upcoming updates.

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