Ranking The Best Uncharted Games Of All Time

Ranking the best Uncharted games is not an easy task, especially when you have a video game series full of great games. Nevertheless, in this article, we’ll be ranking the Uncharted video game series from the best to the worst, so if you’re looking for this, hang on till the end of the article.
The developer, Naughty Dog, is arguably one of the best studios that create some good-looking and incredibly cinematic games — from The Last of Us series to Uncharted, Naughty Dog has given us masterpieces. In addition, these games have some unforgettable characters and breathtaking action sequences, and heart-wrenching storylines, almost everything about the Naughty Dog’s games are near perfection. Furthermore, these things are what make these games, especially the Uncharted series, hard to rank, considering almost all the games are amazing and have different things to offer. Meanwhile, with all said, we’re up for the task and let’s get started with the list of the worst to the best Uncharted games so far.
The best Uncharted games
6. Uncharted: Golden Abyss
Uncharted: Golden Abyss is known for being the only game in the Uncharted franchise that is not developed by Naughty Dog. In addition, it’s the only game that came out on PS Vita. Nevertheless, Golden Abyss is an enjoyable game with a not-so-great story; however, the characters this game introduced are memorable, including Marisa Chase.
At the same time, Uncharted: Golden Abyss has seen much criticism, much of which could be owed to flat gameplay. While the gameplay is what Uncharted: Golden Abyss is most criticized for, the game employs PS Vita’s unique features in the game nicely but sometimes too frequently.
5. Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune
Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune is the game that began it all and set the series towards the course it is on today. Before Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune, Naughty Dog was known for Crash Bandicoot and the Daxter series; however, after the studio developed Drake’s Fortune, things were looking for the better. The game is, of course, inspired by the Indiana Jones movies and Tomb Raider, which plays as Nate tracks the lost treasure of El Dorado.
While the game doesn’t have the best shooting mechanics out of all the games in the Uncharted series, Drake’s Fortune makes up for it with its story and game levels. That being said, Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune is placed at number five in the best Uncharted games list, along with all its flaws.
4. Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception
The game solidified the course of action on what the Uncharted series is now. While Uncharted: Drake’s Deception didn’t have much bigger shoes to fill after, the game turned out to be a thrilling ride for the lovers of Uncharted games, and it still is to this day. One can say that Drake’s Deception was a real turning point for the series; the game picked up the pieces left by its predecessor and made something great out of it.
While the game is arguably a masterpiece, it does lack behind on some horizons. For instance, Uncharted: Drake’s Deception can sometimes feel a bit flat, along with the weird shooting mechanics. However, the story packs a punch and leaves the players on their toes, wondering what will unfold next. All things considered, Uncharted: Drake’s Deception is without a doubt number 4 on our list of the best Uncharted games so far.
3. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End
Next up is the game that is known for having a wholesome epilogue. Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is the first game in the series that introduced driving mechanics to the Uncharted series. This further contributes to open-world gameplay, wherein players get the chance to explore areas of the map with a vehicle.
Moreover, Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End has some of the greatest car chase action sequences in the entire series. More so, the game gives us more insight into Nate and Elena’s relationship, along with some insight into Nate and Sully’s relationship. That being said, the game is an overall emotional ride and is undoubtedly one of the best games in the Uncharted series.
2. Uncharted: Lost Legacy
Originally a DLC for Uncharted 4, Lost Legacy is a standalone game that brings some aspiring things to the franchise. Lost Legacy introduced a new playable protagonist to the series, Nate’s old flame Chloe Frazer. However, there is no sign of Nathan Drake in the game while you’re still on the hunt for lost treasure, and boy, is it good!
Meanwhile, the only place the game lacks behind is it feels more like a DLC to Uncharted 4 than a standalone game. While Lost Legacy did introduce many new elements to the series, the short length of the title and a small scale leaves us thinking about what the game could’ve been. Meanwhile, when all is said and done, Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is, by all means, a great experience for the Uncharted fans and hence grabbed the number 2 spot on our list of the best Uncharted games.
1. Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
while the graphics and gameplay might not be to your liking, Uncharted 2: Among Thieves is the formula for a great game. However, Among Thieves excels at blending in the gameplay and the story, plus the narrative put forward is quite compelling. That being said, the game not only does good on treasure hunting and action sequences, but it also makes way for Nate and Elena’s relationship.
Uncharted: Among Thieves is an absolute delight of a game that is sure to keep you engaged for hours; with twists and turns on every other corner, you never know whom to trust in the story. In addition, the final fights are also no piece of cake for Nate, giving plenty of room for Nate’s creativity to come forward in defeating the villain. All in all, Uncharted: Among Thieves is the best Uncharted game the series has produced so far.
Best Uncharted games: Summing up
The uncharted series has many great titles under its banner, and while it is difficult to choose a better one over another, here’s the list we think are the best Uncharted games so far. Of course, opinions will vary, and there is a different best Uncharted game for every fan out there. That being said, let us know which game is the best in the Uncharted series for you.