Linux Lite 4.8 Released As A Free And Light Windows 7 Alternative

Days after Microsoft ended all kinds of support for Windows 7, Linux Lite came up with new stable version Linux Lite 4.8 as officially announced here on their website.
It’s been released before its usual release date, which is mostly scheduled always in February, to welcome all the Windows 7 users who have been forced to switch to Windows 10.
The latest version makes the path of transition easy, secure, and smooth, especially for Windows 7 users as it offers a user-friendly simple, lightweight, Microsoft-compatible office suite and similar applications for media, production, and browsing.
Its desktop has been laid out similar to Windows as it sticks to the lightweight Xfce desktop environment from the previous series with a similar set of features, desktop icon, taskbar, and tray layout.
Linux Lite 4.8 also has extended support for the familiar Microsoft Office suite documents in the form of LibreOffice, and other popular software like Teamviewer, Spotify, Skype, Steam, etc.
To speed up the boot-up process, it has also removed support for the VirtualBox but still has an option for dual boot mode UEFI and legacy boot.
Linux Lite 4.8 has also upgraded the pre-installed software, namely Firefox Quantum 71.0, Thunderbird 68.2.2, LibreOffice, VLC 3.0.8, Gimp 2.10.14, Timeshift 19.08.1.
For all the users running Windows 7 on old hardware, it would be a smooth shift as it has a minimum hardware requirement of 1Ghz processor, 768MB RAM, and 8GB storage. Although the preferred hardware requirement is 1.5GHz+ processor, 1024MB+ RAM, and 20GB+ storage.
If you’re eagerly looking for switching to the Linux community, you can install the Linux Lite’s latest stable version using a DVD drive or USB port by downloading the ISO image and following the instructions from this link.