Linux Founder Linus Torvalds: “2016 Will Be The Year of ARM Laptops”

Short Bytes: The opinions of Linus Torvalds are weighed quite heavily when it comes to the matters of Linux. Earlier this week, at LinuxCon Europe, the Linux founder expressed his views on the matters of security and the future of ARM powered laptops.
At the conference, he answered multiple questions from the Dirk Hondel, Chief Linux and Open Source Technologist at Intel.
Linus Torvalds didn’t mention if he was talking strictly about Linux-based ARM laptops.
His expectations could be supported by the fact that ARM processor-powered Chromebooks are rising at a very fast pace. Along with that, there are many Linux distributions that have their ARM versions, including Ubuntu, Debian, Gentoo, Fedora etc.
Also read: Learn it Faster: The Complete Linux Kernel in a Single Map
Talking about the Linux kernel security, Linus said that it’s very hard to please security experts. “Security people will always be unhappy,” he said. However, he added that he believes the kernel developers are doing their best to check the 25 million lines of kernel code for bugs.
Talking about the progress Linux has made in the previous years, he says that Linux did everything he expected in its first sixth months. He thanked the community by saying that what came after those six months, was the result of other people solving new problems.
“Linux is all these crazy people doing crazy things I never imagined. It’s going to be interesting to see what others will do with it in the next 25 years,” Linus Torvalds adds.
Read everything that Linus Torvalds said.
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Also read: Getting Started With Linux – Part 1, 2 & 3
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