Kotlin Programming Language Now Available On Linux Distros As A Snap

Over the past year, the adoption of Kotlin programming language has increased at a rapid pace. Apart from its long list of great features, Google’s announcement of making Kotlin an officially supported language for Android development was a major reason behind the same. Being a general-purpose language, Kotlin can also be used on various applications as well.
To make the lives of developers easier, JetBrains, the creator of Kotlin, has offered Kotlin as a snap. Now, the developers can install the programming language with just a single click. Being a snap, one can get all the updates delivered at the earliest.
Moreover, with Kotlin snap, one won’t have to worry about all the needed dependencies like JDK. So, that’s another plus point.
For those who don’t know, snaps are containerized packages that offer extra security on a variety of Linux environments.
Welcoming the step, Canonical’s Jamie Bennett said that it shows JetBrains confidence in their platform. “Kotlin is proving extremely popular and adding it to the wealth of developer-focused snaps already available provides an incredibly powerful platform to produce and distribute software,” he added.
What makes this step more special is that Kotlin snap will work natively on many distros, including Arch Linux, openSUSE, Solus, Manjaro, Debian, and Linux Mint.
You can visit this link to download Kotlin snap.
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