Kepler Provides World’s First High Bandwidth Satellite In The Arctic Region

Kepler delivers high broadband to Arctic

With an aim to provide satellite networks around the globe, Satellite service provider Kepler has successfully provided high-bandwidth broadband services in the Arctic region. The company was able to achieve a speed of 100Mbps, which is a first for the world in that part of the world.

Satellite Service in the Arctic

As per a press release by the company, Kepler delivered the service to the German icebreaker vessel Polarstern.

The vessel is located at 85-degree North and is part of the research center MOSAiC. For those who don’t know, MOSAiC is one of the “most extensive research expeditions” in the north pole, meant to study the environment.

MOSAiC came into being when Polarstern sailed this September and will continue for another year. The study on the environment is specifically about learning more about climate change.

Kepler’s satellite uses the high-bandwidth data link from low-Earth orbit to the Arctic region.

The company’s two polar-orbiting satellites will help the researchers transfer data files, analyze data, and spread information to the ship and shore.

As Kepler’s satellite services provide up to 100 times more broadband speeds than traditional high throughput satellites, researchers will be able to transfer really heavy files. This process wasn’t possible previously.

Mina Mitry, CEO at Kepler, “Our Global Data Service provides a cost-effective means to transfer large data volumes that will be gathered over the course of MOSAiC. Rather than only storing data locally and analyzing once physical storage can be sent back with supply vessels, we are giving scientists the ability to continuously transfer test and housekeeping data sets over our unique LEO satellite network.

The services will be able to save the research team’s time, money and will eventually improve their efficiency.

Also Read: Undersea Optical Cable Achieves Data Transfer Record Rate Of 26.2 Tbps

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