iOS 11.4 Battery Drain Issues Piling Up On Apple Forum: Are You Affected?

Apple has yet again disappointed iPhone users as many are facing rapid battery drain issues on the phones running iOS 11.4. Apple forum has received more than 33 pages of complaints from users complaining about the swift battery drain post update.
Most of the users have said that the battery is draining at an extraordinarily rate even when they are not using the phone. The issue was raised by a user on the very next day of the update.
“My iPhone 6 was working perfectly fine until I updated to iOS 11.4 and ever since I did that my battery is draining rapidly even without me using it at all. I used to go a full day without charging it now it may last half a day. I am just wondering if something got turned on with this new update that I have to turn off to save battery life.”
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The thread received replies from various iPhone users owning different models of iPhone. The abnormal battery drain is experienced across iPhone 6 to iPhone X.
A user posted a screenshot in the replies wherein the inbuilt battery usage statistics tracker shows that the ‘Personal Hotspot’ has hauled 47% of the battery; according to the user, he has never turned it on.
Another user has blamed Handoff for the speedy battery drain in iOS 11.4 and turning it off has resolved the issue for him.
Many users on the thread said that the issue would be resolved with the release of iOS 12, but the stable version of the same is bound to release in fall.
No official statement has been released by Apple regarding the widespread battery draining in iOS 11.4, and the reason behind is yet unknown.
iOS 11 became notoriously popular after Apple accepted that iOS update slows the performance of your device and received serious backlash from a large number of users.
It is not the first time that iPhone users have faced abnormal battery draining issues. Previously, after updating to iOS 10, many took to social media to report this persistent issue.
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