How To Start Your Own Esports Team?

Ten years ago, people would’ve laughed you off if you said that you’d earn your living by getting into gaming and becoming an Esports player. Fast forward to today, thanks to the rise in popularity of the gaming industry, we’ve witnessed significant growth in the number of professional gamers involved in Esports, and the industry will only grow bigger over time.
If you’re a gamer at heart, you might’ve thought of getting involved in the Esports scene by starting a new team, but you never took the risk? Well, we have some good news. It’s never too late to start an Esports team if you’re passionate. All you need is a computer, internet connection, and finding like-minded people who can forge a path to victory.
Starting Your Own Esports Team
Focusing on Your Game

Getting better at a game has very little to do with playing lots of games, but applying what you learned in your previous matches and identifying your mistakes. You may consider yourself a “good” player, but the more you play, the more experience you gain, and the easier it gets to defeat players in solo or teamed-up fights. Don’t get tilted if you’re continuously losing matches; take a break and go for it again.
Get Your Team Ready

This is one of the pillars of creating an Esports team. Players can both build and break a team; hence, selecting only good, like-minded people is the way to go. Posting up a team vacancy on social media might not be the most efficient way of getting players into the team, but if you know someone in person or someone you got to know by playing the game, try inviting them to your team.
Team Branding

Once you’ve got the necessary players in your team, the first thing you’ll need to do is create a team logo and decide on a unique but straightforward and catchy team name. To generate names, you can head over to the Team Name Generator. All you need to do is fill up your favorite color, animal, adjectives, etc.; everything is pretty self-explanatory.
Designing a gaming team logo that you can call your own is one of the most challenging parts of establishing an Esports team. Of course, there are many online tools, but finding the best one suitable for your needs and creating the logo that resonates with your team and its name will introduce hurdles.
In the process, do not ignore social media as it plays a pivotal role in establishing and introducing the team to millions of people. You can start by creating Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube accounts. Create social media content that talks about what your team is up to and keeps the team handles up to date (Mainly about the events and tournaments the team attends). Also, don’t forget to update your YouTube channel cover art and other social media with an eye-catching cover that best explains your e-sports team.
Many other applications can help you start creating beautiful posters. All you need to do is choose a template you like and edit its contents.
Get Into As Many Tournaments As Possible

So the stage is set, you know your game, you have your team with you, now what? You play as many tournaments as possible, of course. Getting used to the atmosphere at matches and handling pressure is also vital for getting better at games. Play, Win/lose, learn from your mistakes, and start from step one again.
If you’re new to social media marketing and don’t know how to create social media posts that inspire, you may want to check out the list of tools and tips to create great social media posts by Neal Schaffer and from the sponsor of this post, PosterMyWall.
Balance Your Diet And Don’t Prioritize Social Life

Sitting for more prolonged periods could be tiring especially when playing games where one match lasts for over an hour. Hence, it’s very important to take extended breaks, connect with your loved ones, and have a healthy diet.
Have you ever thought of starting an Esports team? What has stopped you from doing the same? Let us know in the comments section below.