House Of The Dragon: Harwin Strong & Larys Strong Explained

House of the Dragon is coming off as an extraordinary series. Moreover, if things go in the right direction, it might take over its predecessor, Game of Thrones. So far, the prequel series has reached the halfway point and has already broken several records on the HBO network. Furthermore, its success depends on many factors, including incredible writing, excellent characters, etc.
It is undoubtedly a vital fact that the show has a fantastic cast, and they keep on coming up with new faces every week. This week’s installment introduced us to more members of the Strong family. The King’s Hand, Lyonel Strong, has a big family, and we meet his sons in the fifth episode.
Today we’ll shed some light on these two brothers in this streaming guide. So let’s start with Harwin Strong in the next section of this article.
House Of The Dragon: Ser Harwin Strong

Ser Harwin Strong, also known as the Breakbones, is a knight from House of the Dragon and heir to Harrenhall, the seat of House Strong in Westeros. Moreover, he is said to be one of the strongest individuals in the realm during the Dance of Dragons. Furthermore, Harwin’s family has good relations with the King, and his father, Lyonel Strong was King’s Hand.
We first met Ser Harwin at Prince Aegon’s second name day celebration. He joined his father and King Viserys for the Royal Hunt. Moreover, we witness his brute strength in the fifth episode when he rescues Princess Rhaenyra from the uproar at the wedding.
How will Ser Harwin Strong play a significant role in the civil war?

House Strong has been a supporter of Princess Rhaenyra from the very start. They want her to be the new heir to the crown. So to honor his father’s words, he will be siding with Rhaenyra in the power struggle. Moreover, he will be a solid asset to her army and is expected to be seen by her side in the upcoming episodes.
Spoilers Ahead! According to the book Fire & Blood, the Breakbones dies mysteriously with his father in the castle Harrenhall. Speaking of Harrenhall, GOT had already introduced us to this haunted place in the second season when Arya was captured and bumped into Tywin Lannister. Keeping all that in mind, now let’s move on to his younger brother Larys Strong.
House Of The Dragon: Larys Strong

Larys Strong is also called the Clubfoot due to his birth abnormality. He suffers from a condition where one of his feet is rotated inward and downward and hence uses a cane to walk. We meet him at the Royal hunt when he sits with Queen Alicent and other noble ladies in the royal tent.
Due to his disability, he is consistently underestimated, but he takes advantage of this situation to gather information. Moreover, he will rise as the most potent Master of Whispers, similar to Varys in Game of Thrones. As we’ve seen in the fifth episode, his encounter with Alicent proves that he is ingenious and has an incredible skill in obtaining information from others.
Will Larys Strong side with Princess Rhaenyra in the civil war?

House of the dragon has already signaled the ties between Queen Alicent and the Clubfoot. Subsequently, he will be siding with the Greens, i.e., Alicent and Prince Aegon, in the civil war. With his cunning and sharp knowledge, he will attend the small council meetings and support Aegon II to be the next ruler.
We hope now you have a better idea about the Strong Brothers. In my opinion, both of them are set to play a vital role in forthcoming events. Furthermore, they are expected to give a critical blow to the Dance of Dragons. It will be fun to watch how these two characters will turn the tables in House of the Dragon.
That’s all we have for this article. Meanwhile, check out the brief recap of the fifth episode over here. Feel to share your thoughts and expectations in the comments section below.