Greenie 20.04 Released: Ubuntu-Based Linux Distro For E-Book Readers And Authors

Greenie 20.04 Released: Ubuntu-Based Linux Distro For E-Book Readers And Authors

Greenie Linux is a Ubuntu-based Linux distribution specially designed for e-book readers and writers. It originates from Slovakia and hence optimized for users in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. However, Greenie OS also supports the English language.

Stanislav Hoferek, Greenie Linux developer, has recently released the new version Greenie 20.04. The latest release packs the power of both Ubuntu 20.04 LTS repositories and Kubuntu using KDE Plasma desktop 5.18. K Desktop Environment (KDE) is a new entry in Greenie Linux that replaces its previous MATE desktop.

Greenie targets book readers, writers, and all those people who need or wish to work with e-books. Therefore, version 20.04 brings additional fonts with complete support for Slovak and Czech languages along with its language packages.

Greenie 20.04 with KDE desktop
Greenie 20.04 with a KDE desktop

Furthermore, v20.04 has introduced a few bash aliases for quick program installation and reading, editing tools for beginners and intermediate users — for example, Focuswriter and Caliber to work with e-books.

Greenie has now dropped its own graphics and customized scripts to stay closer to the original and classic Kubuntu. To add full compatibility, Greenie will no longer work on Debian packages. Moreover, it has removed Asian and other specific fonts, and documentation.

Greenie applications
Greenie applications

Among other software updates, Greenie 20.04 comes with Firefox as the default browser replacing Chromium. However, you can still install Chromium using Ubuntu’s snap packaging tool. Lastly, v20.04 has added missing keyboard shortcuts to LibreOffice and GIMP applications.

Greenie 20.04

So, if you’re eager to try it out right now, you can download the ISO image of Greenie 20.04 from here and install it. If you’re already using Greenie, you can upgrade your system using both graphical or command-line methods.

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