Try Out These Free & Latest Windows 10 Themes From Microsoft

A Windows PC can never be complete without a pinch of beauty in it, and this is what themes do for Windows 10. Themes makes the machine more humane.
Microsoft has rolled out four new themes in the Windows 10 Store that focus on landscape and seasonal beauty. If you have been bored by the previous one, give these a try out —
New Themes in the Windows Store
Snowy Mountains
This theme is filled with Mountain Love. An 18-image set of snowy mountains where shimmering light, falling at all hilltops, adds warmth and tranquility to the mornings.
Find “Snowy Mountains” in the Microsoft Store.
Frosty Art
Frosty Art captures the beauty of plants, leaves and roots that materialize into something else entirely when touched with the beauty of the environment. For example, frozen bubbles on small rounded leaves or hail that attach itself to spikes of roots.
Find “Frosty Art” in the Microsoft Store.
Field of Poppies
“And now my beauties, something with poison in it I think, with poison in it, but attractive to the eye and soothing to the smell . . . poppies, poppies, poppies will put them to sleep” – The Wizard of Oz
Experience the enchantment of poppies. Imagine yourself lying amid the fields of poppies with this Windows 10 theme.
Find “Field of Poppies” in the Microsoft Store.
Up in the sky
Fire up the wings and fly above the ground as you pass through the beauty of this world. These 16 images of aircraft will make you feel the cold breeze when looking at the Windows 10 theme.
Find “Up in the Sky” in the Microsoft Store.
After downloading the themes, go to Start > Settings > Personalization > Themes and click on any theme that you would like to see on the PC.
Also Read: Windows 10 Insider Build 18290 Brings Fluent Design To Start Menu