How To Download Windows 10 Spring Creators Update Before Anyone Else?

You might be eagerly waiting to get your hands on the upcoming Spring Creators Update for Windows 10. Well, it may be the case for most of the Windows users. It’s the fifth feature update that improves the cross-device experience through the Timeline. Basically, it’s way of using multiple Windows devices as one.
So, how are you gonna get it? The update is due for a release on April 10, and it’ll take some days for the update to land on people’s computers. If you’re aren’t someone who can handle the last minute excitement, you can get the update right now.
Become a Windows Insider
The Windows Insider program is intended for beta testers, and developers who can report bugs in the preview builds and make sure their apps are compatible with the latest version of Windows 10. But you can subscribe to the program to get an idea of what’s coming in the next update.
Go to Settings > Update & Security > Windows Insider. Click Get Started and proceed with the steps. After registering your Microsoft account, choose Just fixes, apps, and drivers option.
After this, you’ll be a part of the Release Preview ring where Microsoft pushes final Windows 10 build prior to its official launch. As per the latest announcement by Dona Sarkar, Windows 10 build 17133 has been pushed to the Release Preview insiders.
You can also choose Active Development of Windows and Fast ring to get all the updates at the earliest in the form of preview builds. Choose Slow ring for more stable preview builds.
You might be knowing that Preview builds aren’t stable. They often run into problems and users may even lose their data. So, you might not want to enable it on your main PC or backup your data before proceeding ahead.
Get Spring Creators Update from Microsoft
If you aren’t in the mood to opt for the Insider program, there is a workaround. Martin Brinkmann at GHacks has detailed a method to grab the Windows 10 Spring Creators Update Build 17133 from Microsoft’s official servers.
The 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Windows 10 spring update are available in the form of ESD (Electronic Software Download) files. The ESD file contains different editions of the Spring Creators Update that you can install on your computer.
A Pastebin page contains the downloads links for 32-bit (Direct, English US) and 64-bit (Direct, English US) versions. Visit the page for other languages and Business Editions. Now, follow the steps mentioned below:
- Download Wimlib using this link (direct).
- Extract the zip file using 7zip.
- Paste the downloaded ESD file in the extracted folder.
- Right-click the file named “decrypt” and click Run as Administrator. A command line window will open.
- The CMD window lists the Windows 10 editions. You can choose any options as per your need. In most cases, you’ll only require one edition so with Option 2. For instance, if you’re running Windows 10 Home, other editions won’t work.
- If you choose 2, type the number corresponding to the Windows 10 edition you want to select and press Enter.
- Next, choose the option 1 that says Create ISO with Standard install.wim.
It’ll take some time for the tool to create the Spring Creators Update ISO. Once it’s done, the ISO file will be saved in the same extracted folder. You can make a bootable USB and install it on your computer or load it on a virtual machine.
So, this is how you can download Spring Creators Update before anyone else. But it would be better if you can wait for Microsoft to release the update officially. Even after the launch, many users prefer to wait for a while because stable Windows 10 update also brings issues for some devices. If that’s the case, you can block or delay Windows 10 update for a while.
It could also be the case that you don’t need to block Windows Update, Microsoft doesn’t push updates to devices having compatibility issues. For Creator Update, I had to wait for around five months.
From Windows 10 Software download website
After the update gets rolled out officially, Microsoft will update the download webpage with the links and Media Creation Tool for Spring Creators Update. You can visit the page using this link and download the update.
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