CentOS Linux 6.8 Released With New Features, Gets 300TB XFS Filesystem Support

Short Bytes: CentOS Linux 6.8, based on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.8, is now available for download. This release comes with many important features and changes that include the support for up to 300TB data on XFS filesystems and lots of security fixes.
The CentOS Linux project has officially released the CentOS Linux 6.8 version and it’s available for download. The OS was announced by CentOS developer and maintainer Johnny Hughes.
Derived from the source code of Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.8, CentOS features numerous improvements and changes. To make things easier for the end users, all the upstream versions have been placed into one combined repository.
Features and changes in CentOS Linux 6.8:
CentOS Linux 6.8, based on Linux 2.6.32 kernel, has imported RHEL’s support for 300TB XFS filesystem.
An important security change comes in the form of libreswan instead of openswan as the VPN endpoint functionality.
In this release, SSLv2 protocol has been disabled from the SSSD and there’s TSLv1.2 support in many packages like yum, stunnel, git, postfix, OpenLDAP, and vsftpd. CentOS Linux 6.8 is also enriched with LibreOffice 4.3.7 LTS office suite.
The release notes of CentOS list various changes that include SMBIOS 3.0.0 support in dmidecode, the addition of chrony as an alternative to NTPd, and the inclusion of squid 3.4 as a replacement of 3.1.
In CentOS Linux 6.8, kickstart files can be pulled from HTTPS sources and new package rear can be used to ensure data safety with the creation of continuous recovery images.
As a welcome change, Hyper-C guest support has been improved. Now guests run as Generation 2 and kernel crashes are reported to the hypervisor.
You can go ahead and download CentOS Linux 6.8 here:
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