Call Of Duty Mobile Season 4 Public Test Build | New Perk, Map & More

Season 3 of Call of Duty Mobile will end soon, and with this, season 4 will shortly begin. Meanwhile, the community has been eagerly waiting for a public build test/beta test for the upcoming season of COD Mobile. Activision has obliged by releasing a beta test server for season 4 featuring lots of new changes.
The public test build features changes ranging from a new multiplayer map to a new battle royale class. Let’s discuss in detail what these changes are.
How to download the public build?
The public test build is available for iOS as well as Android users. Players can also download the beta version by going to COD Mobile’s official subreddit.
COD Mobile’s public test build – New features
1. Dome Map
Originally introduced in Modern Warfare 3, Dome is a multiplayer map. The map was first rumored to be in COD Mobile’s season 3, but it never made it to the game. An abandoned NATO outpost in the COD lore, the map is suitable for game modes like domination and search & destroy.

2. K9 unit Operator skill
This multiplayer mode operator skill is similar to the clown operator skill from the BR mode. The K9 unit skill will allow players to summon a military dog, which will find and attack the enemy automatically. However, upon our testing, we found that this operator skill is not accessible in the public test build of COD Mobile as of now. Hopefully, this skill will be available with the launch of season 4.

3. Hawk X3 Scorestreak
An all-new scorestreak is coming in season 4 of COD Mobile, Hawk X3. This scorestreak is a drone controlled manually by players and uses a machine gun as a weapon. However, this scorestreak is not available for use in the beta test build of COD Mobile.

4. Gung-Ho Perk
This new perk will allow players to throw grenades and hip-fire their weapons while sprinting. Moreover, with the gung-ho perk in their loadouts, players will also be able to reload their weapons while sprinting. By the sound of it, this perk seems like a game-changer for many players, and we can’t wait to see this perk in action.

5. Time traveler BR class
Time Traveler is a new Battle royale class that is added to the COD Mobile Season 4 beta. However, no description or any other information is revealed about this class. Possibly this class is added in the test build as a glitch and nothing more, but then, we will have to wait and see if and when this class is launched officially.

6. Gift center
An option allowing players to send and receive in-game gifts from each other has been added in COD Mobile S4 Beta. Meanwhile, not much can be said about the ‘gift center,’ as to what gifts can be sent. It is still unclear whether COD Mobile will allow duplicate items to be sent as gifts or allow only the XP cards.

These are all the changes brought to the public test build of COD Mobile Season 4. Alongside these changes, the weapon balance update is also coming in the next season, as Activision is trying to balance out all the guns in COD Mobile.