CAELinux 2020 Released: A Linux Distro For Computer-Aided Engineering

After almost half and year, Joël Cugnoni has announced the new 2020 version of CAELinux. The latest CAELinux 2020 is based on the long-term Xubuntu 18.04 release, and comes with several new tools and updated CAELinux core packages.
Focusing on computer-aided design (CAD), CAELinux is a LiveDVD Linux distribution, which you can boot directly from DVD or USB flash drive without installation.
But with the latest update on the ISO image to resolve an issue with the installer and LiveDVD boot, you can now only run CAELinux 2020 from USB flash disk. By just inserting the CAELinux LiveUSB into your computer, you can turn it into a free and open engineering development workstation.
On top of that, you also have tons of open source CAD/CAM/CAE applications for mechanical design, stress analysis, heat transfer, flow simulation, and CNC manufacturing/3D printing such as Freecad, OpenSCAD, LibreCad, and Cura.
Not only that, but CAELinux 2020 also contains a full range of electronic design tools like KiCad, Arduino, Flatcam, and dxf2gcode/cadpy for PCB isolation milling.
For scientific computing and mathematical modeling, it also offers the latest version of development tools such as Python 3 with Spyder, GNU Octave, R, Java, Perl, and a full suite of GNU compilers.
How To Get And Install CAELinux 2020?
If you want to try it right now, download each of the three parts of the 7z archive from here. Then uncompress the ISO using 7zip and create a bootable USB flash disk using a multi-iso bootloader, Ventoy, which is highly recommended.
After creating a bootable USB, just plug it in your system and boot into the CAELinux 2020. For more information about the installation, read the Getting Started page.