Bill Gates Named World’s Richest Person, Techies on the Rise

Forbes has released its 29th annual list of world’s richest people. The list has a record 1,826 billionaires with a total wealth of $7.05 trillion. The list contains 290 newcomers and of of these, 71 come from China. 46 out of these are under the age of 40 years.
Facebook‘s Mark Zuckerberg has moved up 5 places and is at the 16th place. This is his first time ranking in the top 20. The youngest billionaire on earth is Evan Spigel, 24- the co-founder of Snapchat.
The technology industry has been a big contributor to the list of the world’s richest people since its start. This year, Silicon Valley has produced 23 new billionaires including Uber founders Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp and their very first employee Ryan Graves.
On the list Elizabeth Homes, 31, is the youngest self-made woman, with a fortune of $4.5bn.
Forbes 2015 ranking of richest people:
1. Bill Gates $79.2bn (Microsoft)
2. Carlos Slim Helu $77.1bn (Phones & construction in Mexico)
3. Warren Buffett $72.7bn (Global investor)
4. Amancio Ortega $64.5bn (Zara & other fashion chains)
5. Larry Ellison $54.3bn (Oracle data storage technology)
6. Charles Koch $42.9bn (Industrialist)
7. David Koch $42.9bn (Industrialist)
8. Christy Walton $41.7bn (Walmart retail giant)
9. Jim Walton $40.6bn (Walmart retail giant)
10. Liliane Bettencourt $40.1bn (L’Oreal cosmetics firm)
Via: Forbes
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