Google’s April Fool’s Easter Egg — How To Play Pac-Man in Google Maps?

Short Bytes: As a part of its April Fool’s Day ritual, Google has once again activated the Pac-Man game inside Google Maps. Simply visit Google Maps on your desktop and find the Pac-Man icon in the left bottom. It’ll instantly start Pac-Man game in your browser. Have fun!
Google is once again having fun, and it wants you to be a part of it. Every year Google does something special on April Fool’s Day, and just when you thought this year would be different they did it again. :DOn the occasion of the April Fool Day, Google has launched another fun easter egg which allows you to play Pac-Man inside Google Maps.
The method to play the game is simple. You just have to go to Google Map and click the Pac-Man icon available at the bottom-left side of the Google Map. Take a look at the screenshot below:
After clicking the Pac-Man button, Google will zoom you in an area with enough roads to make it Pac-Man playable. You can go off the road from a map and then re-enter the other. The game will give you five lives to play. I’ve been playing the game for last ten minutes and it is fun.
Google has been playing with the April Fool jokes since a long time. Back in the year 2005, they introduced a drink called Google Gulp to enhance the intelligence and in 2004, they posted a job offer for a research center on Moon. :D
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