Windows 10 Start Menu Becomes Transparent, Thanks To A Bug

According to the screenshot posted by a Reddit user /u/xmha97, the Windows 10 Start Menu and Taskbar user interface was rendered transparent due to an unknown bug.
The user claims that the bug has appeared on his machine running a Windows Insider build. However, the user hasn’t posted the exact build number and it’s hard to guess how many users are affected if such bug exists.
It’s suggested that the said insider bug is messing up the graphics drivers, causing the Start Menu to become transparent. Although it’s a weird bug, it seems more like a feature that many would want. Some users have commented that they’d want to see it as an option.
But while it may look appealing in the beginning, a completely transparent UI won’t be entirely pleasing to some users, especially, when a graphics-rich wallpaper is present in the background.
To recall, Microsoft has made some improvements to the Windows 10 Start Menu as part of the Windows 10 October 2020 Update. But making it entirely transparent doesn’t seem to be the plan.
Nonetheless, the Reddit post has attracted some fun discussion. Do check it out!