100+ SMS Texting and iMessage Slang and Abbreviations

Discover the evolving language of SMS texting and iMessage with over 100 slang and abbreviations terms. Staying current with these expressions enhances your digital interactions and keeps you connected to the latest trends. From everyday phrases like “LOL” and “OMG” to newer terms like “1337” and “5G,” this list gives you a peek into how people chat casually and fast in the digital age. Moreover, these abbreviations serve as shortcuts for conveying messages efficiently in the world of online communication.
Over 100 Slang and Abbreviation Terms
- AFAIK: As far as I know
- AFK: Away from keyboard
- AKA: Also known as
- AMA: Ask me anything
- ASAP: As soon as possible
- ATM: At the moment
- B2B: Business to business
- B2C: Business to customer
- B4: Before
- Before anyone else
- BFD: Big freaking deal
- BFE: Bum f***ed Egypt
- BFFL: Best friends for life
- BOGO: Buy one, get one
- BR: BeReal
- BRB: Be right back
- BRT: Be right there
- BTS: Behind the scenes
- BTW: By the way
- BYOB: Bring your own beer
- CPC: Cost per click
- CTA: Call to action
- CU: See you
- DAE: Does anyone else?
- DFTBA: Don’t forget to be awesome
- DINK: Double income no kids
- DIY: Do it yourself
- DM: Direct message
- DTR: Define the relationship
- EOD: End of day
- ETA: Estimated time of arrival
- FAQ: Frequently asked question
- FOMO: Fear of missing out
- FTW: For the win
- FWIW: For what it’s worth
- FYI: For your information
- GG: Good game
- GIF: Graphics interchangeable format
- GOAT: Greatest of all time
- GR8: Great
- GRWM: Get Ready With Me
- GTG/G2G: Got to go
- H8: Hate
- HBD: Happy birthday
- HMU: Hit me up
- ICYMI: In case you missed it
- IDC: I don’t care
- IDGAF: I don’t give a f***
- IDK: I don’t know
- IIRC: If I remember correctly
- IM: Instant message
- IMHO: In my humble opinion
- IMO: In my opinion
- IOW: In other words
- IRL: In real life
- IYKWIM: If you know what I mean
- IYKYK: If you know you know
- JK: Just kidding
- JSYK: Just so you know
- JW: Just wondering
- LDR: Long-distance relationship
- LOL: Laugh out loud
- LMAO: Laughing my a** off
- LMFAO: Laughing my f***ing a** off
- LMK: Let me know
- LOML: Love of my life
- LTR: Longterm relationship
- LYSM: Love you so much
- MCM: Man, crush Monday
- MFW: My face when
- MMS: Multimedia messaging service
- MYOB: Mind your own business
- N/A: Not applicable or not available
- NBD: No big deal
- NGL: Not gonna lie
- NP: No problem
- NSFW: Not safe for work
- NVM: Nevermind
- OMDB: Over my dead body
- OMG: Oh my God
- OMW: On my way
- OOMF: One of my friends/followers
- OOTD: Outfit of the day
- OP: Original poster
- OTP: One true pairing
- OTP: One Time Password
- PM: Private message
- POV: Point of view
- PSA: Public service announcement
- PDA: Public display of affection
- RCS: Rich communication services
- ROFL: Rolling on the floor, laughing
- ROI: Return on investment
- RT: Retweet
- RN: Right now
- SFW: Safe for work
- SCM: Social media platform
- SNAFU: Situation normal, all f** up
- SMH: Shaking my head
- STFU: Shut the f*** up
- TBA: To be announced
- TBD: To be decided
- TBH: To be honest
- TFTI: Thanks for the invite
- TIA: Thanks in advance
- TIL: Today I learned
- TLC: Tender loving care
- TL;DR: Too long, didn’t read
- TMI: Too much information
- TOS: Terms of service
- TTYL: Talk to you later
- TW: Trigger warning
- TGIF: Thank goodness it’s Friday
- UX: User experience
- UGC: User-generated content
- W/E: Whatever
- WTF: What the f***
- WTH: What the hell
- WYGAM: When you get a minute
- WYSIWYG: What you see is what you get
- WYD: What are you doing?
- XOXO: Hugs and kisses
- YGTR: You got that right
- YMMV: Your mileage may vary
- YOLO: You only live once
- 1337: Elite (Leet)
- 5G: 5th generation
In essence, using these expressions not only helps us communicate better online but also strengthens our connections in today’s fast-paced digital world.