Insanely “Fast And Sleek” Peppermint 11 Linux OS To Release Soon

It has been almost a year since the release of the current Peppermint 10. It’s obvious that you might be missing the next Peppermint 11, which was earlier scheduled for release in the month of May or June (following the previous release schedule).
I guess some of you might also know the reason for the delay. Unfortunately in January this year, Peppermint CEO Mark Greaves passed away. Since then, the Peppermint team has not published any development news, hence, most users might be predicting its discontinuation. But, here, we have good news for all Peppermint fans as it’s back in active development.
As cited by Jason Evangelho from Forbes, the new administrator of the Peppermint OS Community Forum has confirmed that the Peppermint OS project will continue to live on. The team is now moving forward to sort through the voluminous work left behind by Mark.
The Peppermint team also tweeted that they’re moving the project to a new web host over the coming weeks. However, they didn’t disclose the release date and went by reiterating Mark’s words: “It’ll be ready when it’s ready, and not a moment sooner.”
Though the upstream distro version is officially not confirmed, Peppermint 11 is most likely based on the latest Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. Subsequently, Peppermint 11 will get support for security and bug fixes until 2025.
Peppermint OS is surely one of the fast and lightweight Linux distros that best suits older computers very well with LXDE desktop. What really makes Peppermint OS unique from other operating systems is its combining features to support desktop apps and cloud-based infrastructure.
If you want to dig deeper and explore the distro on your own, you can try the currently available Peppermint 10. Or just wait for the expected release of the next version 11.