Google Is Trying To Make First US Data-Privacy Law Practically Useless

Google and other tech giants are trying to bring changes in the California data privacy law before it gets enacted in early 2020.
According to documents obtained by Bloomberg, Google is lobbying to add exceptions in the law, particularly related to user data collection in targeted advertising.
A lobbyist for Google, who recently distributed the new terms, asks the lawmakers’ approval to continue collecting user data for digital advertising. Moreover, the proposal also asks ownership over the collected data even if the user has opted out.
What is California Data Privacy Law?
The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA), popularly known as California Data Privacy Law, allows Internet users to see their personal information that is being collected by companies.
It was adopted last year and grants users the right to halt their data from being sold for targeted advertising. Also, users can demand companies to delete their data upon request.
From the day of its approval by California State Legislature, industry tech giants such as Google and Facebook have continuously tried introducing exceptions and adjustments to the act. However, lawmakers have been reluctant in making any new changes.
“Up till now, there really hasn’t been any policy, it’s been the Wild West…They’ve just gone and done their thing, but now we’ve forced industry to come to the table,” said California State Senator Hannah-Beth Jackson.
What does Google want in California Privacy Law?
According to the proposal shared by the lobbyist, Google wants to continue the data collection from users visiting different websites. And it should be allowed to share it with third-parties that may find it useful. These third-parties may or may not include the websites in question.
Bloomberg writes that the new proposal is also trying to widen the definition of “business purpose” mentioned in privacy law. Currently, the term in the act allows a list of specific activities such as auditing and security of data.
The new proposal is trying to replace the term “business purpose are” with “Business purposes include” in order to make it a legal grey area.
Google spokesperson said the company “supports privacy legislation that protects consumers’ data and encourages innovation.”
“The CCPA will impose new obligations on thousands of small and large businesses, and it is critical that its requirements are clearly defined”, a Google spokesperson said.
With CCPA going to be enacted on January 2020, California will become the first US state to have a privacy law that protects user’s data. However, the backers believe that the law would influence other states lawmakers to enact such rules for tech giants.
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