Google Found It Underpaid More Men Than Women For The Same Job

We all have heard of wage gap stories where women get paid less than men but things are different with Google.
The search giant found in an internal pay audit that males in Level 4 Software Engineer profile received less money than females in the same role.
This finding has led to Google paying $9.7 million to adjust the pay gap for 10,677 employees.
While we don’t have an exact number yet on how many employees who received the pay adjustments were men, but Google did mention underpaying of men as a reason for paying more in adjustments in 2018.
As a part of its annual study, Google also looked at pay discrepancies in job offers made to new hires — which accounted for 49% of the total amount spent on pay adjustment.
Google also acknowledges the fact that adjusting pay gap directly is just one aspect of the wage disparity issue.
“Because leveling, performance ratings, and promotion impact pay, this year, we are undertaking a comprehensive review of these processes to make sure the outcomes are fair and equitable for all employees,” said Lauren Barbato, lead analyst for pay equity and people analytics in a blog post.
However, Google has been previously accused of gender pay gap and is already battling a lawsuit over wages.
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