Fitbit Data Leads To An 90-Year Old Alleged Killer Of His Stepdaughter

I reckon you wouldn’t have imagined murder-solving to be one of the perks of using Fitbit Fitness Tracker. However, that seems to be the case here. Seemingly, police were able to capture a 90-year old alleged killer only because of the Fitbit band, attached to the victim device.
After Mr. Aiello’s stepdaughter, Karen Navarra, (67) was discovered dead by a co-worker in her house, the police were able to analyze the Fitbit band data that she was wearing at the time of her death.
According to NYTimes, Mr. Aiello took a homemade pizza and biscotti to her stepdaughter house in San Jose, California. Calling it a “brief visit,” the 90-year old man told investigators that she handed him a rose while he leaves the house.
However, the Fitbit data acquired by the police speaks an entirely different story. The investigators report the fitness tracker showed a significant spike on precisely 3:20 p.m when Mr. Aiello stepped in her house. However, the heart rate gradually slowed down and stopped at precisely 3:28 p.m., which is five minutes before Aiello left the premises.
NewYork Times reminds us that this is not the first murder where Fitbit has helped in nabbing the offender. In a Connecticut case, a deceased women Fitbit data was able to contribute significantly in identifying her murderer, who was apparently his husband. Previously, the spouse claimed the couple of attacked in their home, leading to the death of her wife.
While this makes Fitbit one of the good companies, it certainly raises some privacy questions about how their customers’ data is being handled.
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