Facebook Tests Hiding Likes So That You Don’t Lose The Morale

Mark Zuckerberg’s Instagram began testing a feature that will hide the likes of user’s post. Now, after some rumors, his first social network Facebook is planning to bring the feature to its platform.
Facebook Tests Hiding Likes
As per a new report, Facebook has begun testing the ability to hide likes on the various user posts on the social media platform. As part of the new test, select users will be able to experience the new feature.
The new testing will only show a single person’s name along with ‘and others’ written next to it. While users will be able to like or react on a photo or a video posted, the number of likes or reactions or video view counts will remain under the veil. Of course, users can see the number of likes and reactions they received on their own posts.
Even though Facebook is in the testing phase of the new feature in Australia, there is no word on when it will make the feature available for all.
A Facebook spokesperson told Engadget, “We will gather feedback to understand whether this change will improve people’s experiences.“
Instagram’s Test
As a reminder, very recently, the photo-sharing app Instagram began testing the same feature wherein users won’t be able to see the number of likes on any post. The testing began in Canada and got expanded to more countries such as Australia, Brazil, Ireland, Italy, Japan, and New Zealand.
While it may take time to reach a wider audience, the fact that Instagram’s feature reached out to more countries gives me an inkling that Facebook won’t limit its feature to just Australia.
Facebook’s Attempt To End Envy
We often end up envying people on social media due to the kind of lifestyle they portray or the number of followers/friends they have. The large number of followers leads to more likes and comments on their posts, and we are forced into wondering, “What’s wrong with us?”
Facebook aims to eradicate this very feeling and make its platforms a comfortable place so that we stop with the envy-game and just focus on what really matters. Possibly, this is an indirect step to end cyber-bullying, and I wouldn’t mind the feature.
What are your thoughts on the same? Do let us know in the comments below.
Also Read: Facebook Earned $1.6 Billion From Hate Groups It’s “Trying” To Fight