Facebook Just Changed its Logo, Noticed it Yet?

Facebook is something that come with the label “polarizing” out of the box. You can’t have a neutral opinion about it. You either love its new policies and the content is being served to your, or you loath it quoting its fussy privacy policies. Well, here is another chance to love it or loath it.
Here’s the new and old logo:
The original logo was designed a decade ago by Joe Kral and Cuban Council using Kalvika font. Since then, the Facebook logo remained unchanged to become quite iconic. The logo rarely appears on the Facebook website, so you won’t notice this change.
Fosh Higgins, Facebook creative director said:
Say hello to the new Facebook logo pic.twitter.com/ofoFm4JQmK
— Christophe Tauziet (@ChrisTauziet) June 30, 2015
The new logo has a single-story “a” replacing the old double-story. The “e” and “o”s are rounder and “b” looks more subtle. The new complete Facebook logo will soon be appearing on different websites and apps, but the “f” logo and the favicon will remain unchanged.
Did you like the new Facebook logo? Tell us in comments below.
Via: Brand New
Also read: Anti-Facebook Ello Makes Fun of Facebook Using Creepy Ads on Facebook