Best Sniper Rifles In COD Mobile Season 10

Call of Duty Mobile is undoubtedly one of the best battle royale games on mobile. One of the factors that make this game so good is its Sniper rifles. But players often wonder which is the best Sniper rifle in COD Mobile, especially if you’re a beginner in the game.
That is why in this article, we’re going to list down all the best Sniper rifles in COD mobile Season 9 Nightmare and rank them according to their base stats and how they perform in matches.
Every Sniper Rifle In Call Of Duty Mobile Season 9
S.No. | Sniper Rifle | Damage | Accuracy | Fire Rate | Range |
1. | Locus | 95 | 59 | 28 | 95 |
2. | DL Q33 | 90 | 59 | 28 | 99 |
3. | Outlaw | 90 | 71 | 28 | 90 |
4. | Arctic .50 | 85 | 59 | 31 | 95 |
5. | M21 EBR | 91 | 59 | 35 | 90 |
6. | Rytec AMR | 80 | 62 | 31 | 90 |
7. | XPR-50 | 55 | 73 | 37 | 90 |
8. | NA-45 | 30 | 57 | 45 | 95 |
Keep in mind that the above are the base stats of all the Sniper rifles in COD Mobile; players can increase or decrease these stats based on many attachments given in the gun modification gunsmith feature in COD Mobile.
Also Read: Best Assault Rifles In Call Of Duty Mobile Season 9
Top 3 Sniper Guns In Call Of Duty Mobile Season 9
While you have all the information on all the Sniper rifles on COD Mobile under one roof here, some players still might face difficulty choosing the best Sniper rifle in COD Mobile for them. For this exact reason, we’re going to list three of the best Sniper rifles in COD Mobile.
1. Locus

Locus is the best Sniper rifle in COD Mobile, although many would disagree with the same; since the DL Q33 gives fierce competition to the Locus in the race to be the best Sniper in COD Mobile. For starters, let’s talk about the most crucial factors for a Sniper gun — Damage, Accuracy, and Range. In these three aspects, Locus fares way better than other guns. It has a whopping 95 damage. However, the only area in which the DL Q33 excels over the Locus is the range, with only 5 points more than the latter.
The sniper rifles which come closest to Locus are the DL Q33 and the Outlaw, but the former trumps the latter in terms of range, which is a whopping 99. One might find Locus to be a bit slower in terms of firing speed, but hey, we are talking about the best Sniper rifles in COD Mobile here, and sometimes all you get is one shot. So the aim here is to deal with the maximum amount of damage in a single shot.
While testing Locus, I found that a headshot can bring down the HP of your enemy from 150 to 7, and in the case of a body shot, it went from 150 to 55 (without the bullet-proof vest).
Of course, the intensity of damage once again varies on the distance and movement of the enemy, but I couldn’t find another Sniper that could do this amount of damage in one shot. Hence, making the Locus the best Sniper rifle in COD Mobile.
2. DL-Q33

The DL Q33 is the best Sniper rifle in COD Mobile for most of the players out there. Mainly because the rifle is highly reliable in combat, both in Battle Royale and Multiplayer; however, this is also debatable. Meanwhile, if you look at the stats, Artic .50 seems to have good numbers too, but the DL-Q33 is a better Sniper rifle in every way. Furthermore, you’ll experience if, after a few matches with both the guns, DL-Q33 is the one you’d want to use for Sniping in COD Mobile.
DL-Q33 boasts maximum damage of 90, with an Accuracy of 59 and an unbelievable 99 Range. Now, let’s talk about what makes DL-Q33 the second-best Sniper rifle in COD Mobile! The biggest reasons are its damage and the deadly range in which the DL Q33 can shoot. The DL-Q33 comes with a bipod by default, which significantly reduces its recoil, especially when players go prone during sniping.
The bullet drop we experience in this Sniper rifle is also much less than others, which again can be owed to its 99 shot range. And as far as damage is concerned, a single headshot from DL-Q33 drops the HP of the enemy from 150 to 10, whereas a body shot reduces it from 150 to 30, without the vest, of course. Of course, you’ll expect such performance from one of the best Sniper rifles in COD Mobile.
3. Outlaw

The second-best Sniper gun in Call of Duty Mobile is the Outlaw. It has a Damage of 90, an accuracy of 71, and a Range of 90, which brings it pretty close to Locus. The Outlaw is the best Sniper in COD Mobile in terms of accuracy, and the Sniper rifle boasts the highest accuracy among all sniper rifles in COD Mobile. However, Locus still outranks the Outlaw with its better damage and shot range than the latter.
And a word of advice here: if you want to master the Outlaw and control its recoil, do not forget to attach the Stabilizer Mod in the gun, which can be found in any location in the battle royale map. If you are using it in a multiplayer mode, all you need to do is customize it with the right attachments to control the Sniper gun better; since in the right hands, the Outlaw is one of the best Sniper rifles in COD Mobile.
Best Sniper Guns In COD Mobile: Which One Would You Pick?
So these are the best Sniper rifles in COD Mobile that you can play with. However, it doesn’t always mean that a particular gun is meta; the outcome depends on the players and how they use the rifles. Moreover, please keep in mind that these Sniper rifles, best or not in COD Mobile, aren’t the only thing you’d need to win battles as multiple other factors influence the gameplay. Nevertheless, I certainly hope that this article will help you next time to eliminate enemies from far away! Also, tell us in the comments which do you think is the best Sniper rifle in COD Mobile?