Google’s App Maker Tool Now Generally Available: Code Apps Without Tons Of Coding

Even though coding has become a mainstream profession, hiring programmers for coding apps is still a costly affair for small businesses. There are a number of drag-and-drop Android app creator apps available in the market, but their outcomes don’t end up rewarding all the time.
To make things easier for its enterprise customers, Google has finally pushed its App Maker application development tool out of beta. This low-code development environment aims to make it easy for teams to “speed up workflows and make processes better,” according to Google.
As per company’s estimates, the tool can save each employee 7.5 hours per week, which is more than a week’s lunch breaks.
Until now the tool was in private beta; now every developer can give it a try and create applications with ease. To access this tool, one would need G Suite Business or Enterprise subscription; it’ll also be available to G Suite for Education customers.
Since its initial launch, Google has added new features and improvements to App Maker. Now, it offers inbuilt support for Cloud SQL and Bring Your Own Database model.
The developers can also connect App Maker to almost all Google services and make the apps more powerful. It goes without saying that G Suite admins will have a complete control over app users, metrics, OAuth permissions, etc.
You can learn more about App Maker from Google here.
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