Poly: Google’s 3D Creators Community Goes Live, Alternative To Microsoft’s Remix 3D

Now, moving along the like of sharing is caring, Google has launched their new online community called Poly. Similar to Remix 3D, Poly allows people to search and download free 3D objects and scenes, and edit them using Google’s apps like Tilt Brush and Blocks. The platform supports OBJ file format.
Poly can be of great help to developers creating VR and AR apps and using platforms like Google’s ARCore and Apple’s ARKit. The 3D object library seems to be in direct competition with Remix 3D, but the two can also go in harmony. Remix 3D also supports OBJ file format among others, so it would be possible to re-upload 3D objects from Poly on Microsoft’s platform and vice-versa.
Google’s 3D object sharing platform isn’t a barren land for everyday users; they can browse everything from a rocket ship to an ice-cream cone and create beautiful GIFs out them which can be used elsewhere.
You can visit poly.google.com to check out awesome 3D stuff.
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