New Anime Last Stand (ALS) Codes (March 2025)

It’s no secret that Anime Last Stand is one of the most popular tower defense games in Roblox. In the game, players build their bases and defend them using characters inspired by popular anime series. However, to stay ahead of your enemies, you must constantly upgrade your abilities and powers. This is where Anime Last Stand codes come in, helping unlock Rerolls, Mythic Shards, Snowflakes, and much more. This guide will detail all the latest Anime Last Stand codes that unlock exclusive items.
Added new Anime Last Stand Codes on March 5th, 2025.
Latest Anime Last Stand Codes
Below are all the working Roblox Anime Last Stand Codes that unlock rewards:
- GeornoRequiem! — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl (NEW)
- EsperISMID — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl (NEW)
- BombiISFUN — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl (NEW)
- TheUltimateOP — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl (NEW)
- TimeGoddessMeta — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl (NEW)
- SecretCode!! — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl (NEW)
- EmeraldCode3! — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 15K Emeralds (NEW)
- ValentinesDayPart2 — Redeem for 15 Rerolls, 150 Love Letters, and 1 Pearl (NEW)
- OldUnitsBack — Redeem for 15 Rerolls, 150 Love Letters, and 1 Pearl (NEW)
- 800KSUBS! — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl (NEW)
- InfRangeisCRAZY! — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl (NEW)
- WaifuUpdateSoon? — Redeem for 7 Technique Shards (NEW)
- SpecialCode! — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl (NEW)
- InventoryRework! — Redeem for 15 Rerolls, 250 Chocolate Bars, and 1 Pearl (NEW)
- Valentine’s Day — Redeem for 15 Rerolls, 250 Chocolate Bars, and 1 Pearl
- EmeraldCode2! — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 15K Emeralds
- TheOnePieceisREAL! — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl
- BestALSClan — Redeem for 20 Rerolls and 3 Pearls
- Patch! — Redeem for 20 Rerolls and 1 Pearl
- EmeraldCode! — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 15K Emeralds
- NEWUPDATEFIRE!! — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl
- GodlyLuffy! — Redeem for 30 Rerolls and 1 Pearl
- OnePieceUPD! — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl
- UIRevamp! — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl
- PEAK!! — Redeem for 10 Rerolls and 1 Pearl
- AnniEventWEEK!! — Redeem for 33 Rerolls, 3 Pearls, 5 Mythic Spirit Shards, and 5 Perfect Stat Cubes
- DAILYRewards?! — Redeem for 11 Rerolls, 1 Pearl, and 11 Legendary Shards
- AnniDungeonRelease! — Redeem for 11 Rerolls, 1 Pearl, and 11 Legendary Shards
- Happy1stAnni!! — Redeem for 11 Rerolls, 1 Pearl, and 11 Legendary Shards
- AnniUpdSoon?! — Redeem for 1 Reroll, 1 Pearl, and 11 Legendary Shards
- ShadowMonarch! — Redeem for 20 Rerolls
- Dungeons! — Redeem for 30 Rerolls
- AnotherSecretCode! — Redeem for 10 Rerolls
- SecretCode! — Redeem for 10 Rerolls
- NewUi! — Redeem for 20 Rerolls and 400 Susanoo Shards
- BattlepassReset! — Redeem for 20 Rerolls
- GreatWarWow! — Redeem for 400 Susanoo Shards
- NewCaverns! — Redeem for 30 Rerolls and 500 Jewels
- NewGlobalBoss! — Redeem for 20 Rerolls and 2 Mythic Shards
- SORRYforIssues!! — Redeem for 15 Rerolls and 200 Snowflakes
- NewGodly! — Redeem for 8 Mythic Spirit Shards
- ChristmasRaid! — Redeem for 25 Rerolls and 300 Snowflakes
- EventBP! — Redeem for 20 Rerolls
- Sub2OtakuGaming — Redeem for 5 Rerolls
- BossRush! — Redeem for 350 Jewels and 15 Rerolls
- SkinBanner! — Redeem for 25 Skin Tickets
- LateUpdSorry! — Redeem for 2K Emeralds and 15 Rerolls
- BossIGCool! — Redeem for 10 Rerolls
- NewUpdateS00N — Redeem for 1K Emeralds and 15 Rerolls (enter number zero and not o)
- Drops! — Redeem for 2x Drop Potions
- Evos! — Redeem for 10 Stat Cubes and 3 Perfect Stat Cubes
- Tournaments! — Redeem for 20 Rerolls
Expired Anime Last Stand Codes
As with any game, developers regularly introduce new codes while retiring older ones. Here’s a list of expired codes:
4xISACTIVE | Bugfixesgoincrazy | TYFORSUPPORT | FreeBossBKK! |
HuntersW? | DragonsL? | NewEraComing | DragonVSHunters |
Sorry4ShutdownAgain!! | Sorry4Shutdown!! | QUESTRESET | MoreCodes!! |
CID! | Summer2024! | TorSavedALS | RobloxBrokeUs! |
BERSERK! | AFKCAPSULEYAY | DemonPortals!! | 170kLikes |
170kFavorites | PatchUpdate!! | SorryForShutdown!! | UpdateRerolls!! |
Sorry4Delay! | ChooChoo | SUMMERSOON!? | QOLSprinkleUPD |
FreeRerolls!! | QuickFixies | PARTTWOUPD!? | SOLOPARTTWO?! |
QuickRestart! | QOLUpdate2! | ALSREVAMPSOON? | SOLOPART2SOON?! |
X7Weekend! | ConverterFix?! | REDGATE?! | SOLOPREPARING! |
QOLUPD! | BannerFix!?! | BugFixesTeehee | CaleBTheHero |
DelayedUpdate | OPMUpdate | BossStudiosOnTop | AdmiralsUPD |
SaviourCaleB | AriseWakeyWakey | BossStudio1stUpd | BossStudiosTakeover! |
ToTheFuture!! | EraOfTheAdmirals | Update5! | LongMaitenanceLimitedCode |
CongratsMrBeast1Billion2 | CongratsMrBeast1Billion | HappyEaster | ShenronFixImSorry |
UPDATE 4 | GlitchFix | Update4HYPE! | 2xMeshChance |
EnjoyTheQuestReset! | 2xDropsUpdateSOONHype! | 500kMembersLETSGOO | 400kMembersLETSGOO |
200kMembersINSANE! | UPDATE1HYPE! | ULTIMATEGOJO | Sub2Shock |
TyFor1mVisitsPart2 | TyFor1mVisitsPart1 | TyFor10kFavREAL | TyFor2kFav |
GoalReached | Fixes | Shutdown | BUFF |
YammoRework | SorryForDelay | FinalDelay | RELEASE |
How to Redeem Anime Last Stand Codes
Time needed: 5 minutes
Redeeming Anime Last Stand codes is pretty straightforward. Just note that since these codes are case-sensitive, make sure to write the correct spelling. To redeem codes:
- Open Anime Last Stand in Roblox.
- Click on the Codes button on the left side of the screen.
- Type your code in the box and hit Redeem.
And that’s it! Your exclusive rewards will be added to your inventory. Also, check out our guides on exclusive Anime Reborn and Anime Vanguard codes.
How to Get More Codes?
If you want more Anime Last Stand codes, bookmark this page, as we regularly update it with new content. You should also join the official Anime Last Stand Discord server and the Roblox page, where developers share exclusive insights and news.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Open the game in Roblox, click the Codes button, enter your code, and press Redeem.
These codes are case-sensitive, so double-check the spelling before redeeming. If it’s still not working, the code might have expired.