MX Linux Will Remove AntiX Repo From Default Apt Sources

MX Linux will remove the antiX repo from default apt sources

In a recent blog, MX Linux developer team has announced its plans to bring changes to the MX-system package. In the next version release 20.02.04, antiX software packages list will be removed from default location /etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list.

However, antiX packages won’t be taken out; instead, it will be updated and shift to the new separate repository.

If you don’t know, MX Linux is the collaborative Linux distro initiated and maintained by the antiX and former MEPIS communities. Hence, MX Linux inherits various core antiX components.

AntiX is a lightweight Linux distro and MX Linux is a midweight Linux distro while both are based on Debian.

Therefore, by removing the overlapping of antiX software packages with MX, MX plans to separate the antiX sources to streamline the development of both repositories.

However, the new MX-system package won’t affect present components of antiX or MX.

Also, the antiX kernel will be updated to support the antiX repo. But you will need to manually enable to install antiX kernel from the MX package manager.

How To Upgrade To New System Package?

The new changes will be included in the next version release that you can receive using the regular MX-updater process or manually refreshing the source files.

If you don’t want to renew your sources, you can also disable the antiX repos through MX-Repo-Manager or editing the /etc/apt/sources.list.d/antix.list file.

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