Instagram Now Asks You To Rethink Hate Comments With New Feature

Aiming to control the bullying practices people often entrap themselves into, Facebook-owned Instagram has introduced two new features to solve the issue in a subtle way.
The photo-sharing app has introduced a new feature that is based on AI and politely asks you to rethink your choice of words.
This feature works in a really simple way; whenever you put up an offensive comment on other users’ posts, Instagram pops up the morally-strong question “Are you sure you want to post this?” forcing you into reconsidering the comment.
With this feature, which was previously in the testing phase, you can further undo derogatory comments and be kind.
Another feature (currently available in select countries) is the Restrict feature that will allow you to restrict users if blocking or unfollowing some users is not an option for you.
If you Restrict a user on Instagram, that user’s comments will only be visible to you and that user and you get to decide whether or not you want those comments to be visible publicly.
Apart from this, restricted users won’t be able to see your online status or get a read receipt for messages in the DM section. So now you get to choose whether you want to respond to someone’s messages, without leaving them on a “seen” status.
For quite some time, Instagram has been working on a safe usage environment on the platform and has introduced the ability to filter out offensive comments and block comments from certain people. If you want a greater level of privacy on the platform, you can turn on these features from the Privacy Settings.
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