Google Refuses To Remove Saudi Arabia App Which Tracks Women

A few weeks ago, the existence of an app called ‘Absher,’ used by Saudi Arab men to control and track the movements of women in the country, came into light.
Following which, Apple and Google were criticized and accused of helping gender apartheid by hosting such an app on App Store and Play Store respectively.
Finally, Google has spoken up on this matter and declined to remove the app from Play Store on the grounds that the app meets all the terms and conditions of their platform.
The search giant says that it reviewed the Absher app and concluded that it does not violate any agreements. Therefore, it can remain on the Google Play store.
This decision was conveyed by Google to the office of Representative Jackie Speier, a California Democrat, who demanded that the company should remove the app.
Many other members of Congress also demanded that Google should ban this app, however, the company thinks otherwise.
For the uninitiated, this mobile app allows Saudi men to control and track travel permissions for women and migrant workers.
The news of this app led to an outcry some days ago with many accusing Google and Apple of promoting tyranny and oppression of women.
While Google hasn’t commented on this decision yet, Apple hasn’t commented or taken any action either.
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