Einstein’s Most Famous Notebook Is Available Online And You Can Read It Right Now

Short Bytes: The Zurich notebook contains one of the most important works of Albert Einstein. The notebook contains his work during the 1912–1913 and provides a glimpse into the development of the theory of general relativity. Let’s take a look.
This notebook is the part of the complete catalog of about 80,000 documents written by or addressed to Einstein. This was made available online by the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Einstein Papers Project (EPP) at Caltech long back in 2012.
This little brown notebook was found amongst his papers after his death in 1955.
Here are some of the most notable portions of the notebook.
The beginning — the notebook has two front covers
Line Element of General Relativity mentioned for the First Time
Einstein discussed the motion in curved surfaces
Here comes the Riemann Tensor
You can see more pages from Zurich Notebook here. Did you find this interesting? Share your views in the comments below.
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