Be It Gas Or Electric Cars, This Device Will Save Your Maintenance Cost

THINKDRIVER is a smart Bluetooth diagnostic tool that works through an app on your smartphone. The device is easy to use so that daily drivers and car owners can check the health of their car without consulting a technician. From conventional gasoline cars to electric cars, THINKDRIVER supports over 105 automotive brands, excluding Tesla.
The device was created by an IT developer along with a team of professionals. Its makers say, “The primary idea behind all the efforts is simple but sincere: to help our customers save their time and money. If you don’t detect and solve the problem in time, it will cost more.”
The device is able to perform a full diagnostic test of a vehicle along with the OBD II (On-board diagnostic) function. Additionally, it also supports 15 maintenance reset functions.
What Makes THINKDRIVER A Smart Diagnostic Tool
According to its makers, most of the diagnostic tools available on the market could perform emission-related functions only, which is a small portion of the complete vehicle system.
However, THINKDRIVER can diagnose things like TPMS (Tire Pressure Monitoring System), ABS, Airbags, Engine ECU, etc. In short, it can diagnose the complete vehicle system. For more information about the device, visit the company’s Kickstarter page.
Advanced OBD II
The advanced on-board diagnostic function gives ample information about your car. The interesting part is that it supports all vehicles after 1996 with OBD II functionality.
The emission OBD mainly includes scanning of the engine data, catalytic converter, EGR (Exhaust Gas Regulator), particle trap, oxygen sensor, emission control system, fuel system, and much more. Additionally, it also includes all generic OBDs and all vehicle systems.
How Does It Work?
First, you need to connect the device to the OBD port in your car. After that, connect it with your smartphone through the app. The app can be downloaded from both the play store and the Apple app store.
After this, just click on ‘Full System Diagnosis’ and the device will identify your vehicle’s VIN code. Once the identification is done, all information will be available on your phone’s screen. Just click on what you want to do. You can also refer to the image down below.
Some Cool Features Of This Smart Diagnostic Tool
Apart from the diagnosis and maintenance related functions THINKDRIVER offers, there is one unique feature that all petrolheads would love to have. The device also has an in-built 0 to 100 km/h (0 to 62 mph) acceleration test feature.
Here you can see the features that the device supports in comparison to its competitors in the market.
Furthermore, this device offers several additional rare features in OBD tools. What do you guys think of the THINKDRIVER? Do you find it interesting? Let us know in the comments below.