World Trade Organization Hacked by Anonymous

The hacktivists of Anonymous are once again back in the news with their latest attack. A hacker claiming to be affiliated with Anonymous broke into the World Trade Organization database and made the personal information of thousands of officials public.
Hacker injected malicious code into the flawed domain. This website provides online courses in matters related to trade.
The identity of this Anonymous affiliated hacker is still not revealed. The personal information including email addresses, phone numbers, IP addresses other significant details of more that 2,100 officials was leaked. This was told to Hack Read by the hacker in an interview.
The stolen data is related to the WTO officials in various countries like Unites States, India, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Brazil, Indonesia, China, Russia and other nations.
The hacker told Hack Read:
It should be noted that this hacker behind the WTO hack is same as the one who hijacked two major Israeli arm dealers and leaked the client data.
The leaked data is available below on Pastebin:
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