US and Indian Students ‘Hacking Space’ to Sustain Life on Earth

To find solutions of the troubles on earth, now man is looking up to the sky, hoping that it has something better in its storehouse for mankind. Space research is advancing at a great pace, perhaps, because scientists believe that space answers to all our queries and quests. Under a collaborative effort between Science City, Kolkata (a unit of National Council of Science Museums) and Chabot Space and Science Center, US, sixteen students from India and America will be tickling their heads to come up with innovations on tapping space science and technology for environmental sustainability. The project is termed as ‘Hacking Space: A student Partnership To Sustain Life on Earth’.
The Hacking Space project is to begin in September this year and is expected to go on till August of next year, as per the information imparted by G.S.Rautela, Director General, National Council Of Science Museums.
The students will be exploring solutions to the problems faced by the masses at the city of Kolkata and California while performing a series of activities and experiments. Noticeably, there is a plan to assist the students through guest lectures and Skype sessions.
The conclusion of the Hacking Space project will be unveiled in a travel exchange in the spring and summer of 2016 while sharing the work with a community in Kolkata and Oakland, in California. This Hacking Space project is imbibed with the aim to promote environmental sustainability by making use of the studies and insights collected from years of space research. This is surely an estimable step towards tinkering our planet’s health.
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