WordPress Turns On HTTPS Encryption For Free For All Websites

Short Bytes: WordPress.com is enabling HTTPS encryption for all of its websites. This change is an automatic one and the website owners don’t have to do anything to enable HTTPS redirect on their websites. This new step will benefit millions of websites on the web and help to make it a more secure place.
WordPress.com has announced that it is adding HTTPS support for all of its websites. It includes all custom domains and blogs under WordPress domain name like example.wordpress.com.
These steps are being seen in accordance with the efforts being make by other technology companies to make our web a more secure place. HTTPS is already available for subdomains like example.wordpress.com blogs, but now it’s being added to the custom domains too.
This change will be immediately applied to the new WordPress websites being created. The change in the existing websites will be reflected gradually. With time, WordPress will automatically redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS. This means, your URL will begin with https://
instead of https://.
Also read: What Is The Difference Between HTTP And HTTPS?
With this change, each website will have SSL certificate and display a green lock in the address bar. WordPress thanks the Let’s Encrypt project that has made it easy to provide the SSL certifications for a large number of domains.
Apart from making your website more secure, this change will also benefit your domain in Google rankings. Google has previously announced that it’ll be using HTTPS as a ranking signal with HTTPS-enabled sites being ranked above other plaintext websites.
If you are still wondering if you will get the advantage of this change, let me tell you once again — The change is automatic and free. You have to do nothing.