Leaked Code Allows Free Downloads From Disney+, Amazon, Netflix: Widevine Dump

Most people have searched for ways to pirate movies and TV shows from Disney+, Amazon, or Netflix, only to find out that the website that said “You can” was probably a clickbait. However, TorrentFreak reports that code leaked by the user “Widevinedump” allows users to download HD videos for free from paid platforms like Disney+, Netflix, or Amazon Prime.
Disclaimer! At Fossbytes, we don’t promote piracy. This article was written purely for informational purposes only!
You might’ve heard about DRM if you stream TV series and movies on OTT platforms. It stands for Digital Rights Management. As the name suggests, it’s a tool used to control and manage access to copyrighted materials. In simple words, it abolishes piracy.
You might’ve also heard about Widevine in Android devices. It was created by Google to keep OTT streaming secure and private and prevent piracy. There are security levels to Widevine — L1, L2, and L3. However, we’ve previously seen people breaking the security levels to access the content. That’s one of the reasons why piracy still exists.

Recently, a developer named “Widevinedump” on GitHub uploaded a collection of tools — ‘DISNEY-4K-SCRIPT,’ ‘Netflix-4k-Script,’ ‘EV-AMZN-4K_RIPPER,’ ‘HBO-MAX-BLIM-TV-Paramount-4k-Downloader,’ and ‘APPLE-TV-4k-Downloader’ — to their respective repositories. Some sources spoke to the creator and confirmed that these scripts actually work. There’s also a LenovoTB-X505X-L1-KEY repository that can be used to decrypt the video.
Not everything is free
If you thought, “how can someone be so generous?” hold your horses, there’s a catch. Most of the tools don’t have CDM (Content Decryption Module), which means people to watch 4K content people will need to mail the hacker and pay for CDM.
The hacker also wrote that these will stop working after 2-3 days, so, “Use as much u can..” That’s not it. The developer says that the code was leaked to punish the people on Discord who shared it privately. He wrote, “Hi! My name is WVDUMP. I am Leaking the CDM to burn it & punish few idiots that think themselves as discord lords [sic].”