Mastering Discord Text Formatting:

A Complete Guide

Unlock Discord Text Formatting Secrets with Strikethrough, Bold, Italics, and more to Enhance your Messages.

Strikethrough Text:  How to Do It

Use ~~Your Text~~ to create strikethrough text, perfect for highlighting mistakes or emphasizing points.

Making Text Bold in Discord

Make text bold with  **Your Text**, helping certain parts of your message stand out effectively.

Using Italics in Discord Chat

Italicize text using *Your Text* or _Your Text_ for emphasis without overwhelming your message.

Underlined Text on Discord

Create underlined text with __Your Text__ to highlight important information in your messages.

Spoiler Tags: Hide Sensitive Info

Use ||Your Text|| to create spoiler tags that hide text until clicked, perfect for sensitive topics.

Combining Text Formatting Styles

Mix styles for unique effects, like ~~**Your Text**~~ for strikethrough bold, making messages more engaging.

Explore the  Full List of Discord Text Formatting Commands on Our Blog.