Following KickassTorrents Death, Streaming Website Solarmovie Disappears

Short Bytes: Following the demise of the world’s most popular torrent website KickassTorrents, another popular pirate website has disappeared from the internet. The sudden disappearance of the online movie streaming portal Solarmovie is being attributed to its connections with KickassTorrents.
Following these recent developments in the pirate world, another major website has disappeared from the internet. Yes, we are talking about the demise of the popular movie streaming portal Solarmovie.
Solarmovie went offline recently without any explanation. Whenever a large website is raided, other websites of the same niche are known to think about the possible consequences. Solarmovie’s disappearance can be explained using the same logic.
In the past, Solarmovie established itself as one of the most popular illegal movies streaming websites. However, it had to face its share of troubles in the form of domain issues. After a troublesome affair with .COM domain, the website was recently using .PH domain.
Solarmovie’s connections with KickassTorrents:
TorrentFreak reports that during the investigation of KickassTorrents matter, Solarmovie also came into the limelight. In the complaint that was filed, it was said that was just one IP address away from KAT host:
It looks like a mention in the KAT complaint might have prompted the Solarmovie owners to take the website down. Or, who knows, just like KAT, Solarmovie was also owned by Vaulin.
Whatever might be the truth, there was some certain connection between Solarmovie and KickassTorrents, which became the reason for the website’s decease.
At the time of writing this article, website’s primary domain doesn’t appear to be working.
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