Crunchyroll Parental Controls Guide To Restrict Mature Content

For the concerned parents out there wondering if their child is watching something there not supposed to be watching on Crunchyroll, you can set the boundaries using Crunchyroll’s parental controls. If you’re looking to make Crunchyroll safe to watch for your children, this Crunchyroll parental controls guide is here to help you with it.
For those unaware, Crunchyroll is an online anime streaming platform. While Netflix, Prime Video, HBO Max, Hulu, and others are popular among many to watch their favorite movies and TV shows, Crunchyroll is one platform that hosts a number of anime. Meanwhile, owing to the massive library of Crunchyroll, the streaming service caters not only to kids but to anime better suited for grownups.
There surely are many anime movies and shows on Crunchyroll that include profanity, sexual content, and alcohol and drug references, which are simply not suitable for your children. Meanwhile, Crunchyroll does specify which anime contains the said contents to make it easier for you to identify them.
Furthermore, as a concerned parent, one is sure to worry about Crunchyroll being a safe platform for their kids; owing to that, you can make the platform safe by using Crunchyroll parental controls. In this guide, we’ll tell you all about it and how to use parental controls for Crunchyroll.
Crunchyroll parental controls
As a parent, you should be aware of what your kids are watching on Crunchyroll. Meanwhile, it’s not always possible to keep an eye as to what your children are watching, owing to the massive library of anime on the platform. Anime, which also contains sexual content, alcohol and drug references, and other inappropriate content for children.
Keeping that in mind, you should keep in check what kind of anime your kids are streaming on Crunchyroll. For that purpose, let’s get to the part where you can do so with parental controls on Crunchyroll. To restrict the anime content better suited for an adult audience, follow the steps.
1. Open Crunchyroll on a web browser or launch the Crunchyroll app.
2. Click on your profile picture in the top right corner of the screen.
3. From the menu, click on My Account.

4. In the general settings, click on Preferences.
5. Now, scroll down in the menu, and you will see the toggle on/off button to restrict adult anime content on your account.

6. Toggle the switch on, and you’re good to go.
There you have it, you’ve successfully restricted all mature anime content and made Crunchyroll safe for your children. Furthermore, if your children read Manga on Crunchyroll, you can also restrict the mature manga content in a similar fashion.
To restrict the adult manga content on Crunchyroll using parental controls, follow the above-mentioned steps, and you’ll see the toggle on/off button to restrict mature manga content on Crunchyroll. Next, toggle the switch on, and you’ll have successfully restricted all mature manga content on Crunchyroll for your children.

Furthermore, there are other things you can do to make Crunchyroll safer for your kids. For starters, you can make sure to set a time limit for your kids to watch anime on Crunchyroll. This will ensure that the children are not getting addicted to a particular anime or blatantly wasting their precious time watching anime on Crunchyroll for hours. Make sure that your kids understand why it’s not healthy to spend more time on Crunchyroll watching anime and reading manga.
Interestingly, you might also find yourself in a situation wherein your kid will deactivate the Crunchyroll parental control to enable all content on the platform. Since anyone with access to the Crunchyroll account can make changes to it. In that scenario, parents can make use of third-party parental control apps that will not only set a time limit to a particular app or website. But will also send all the activity reports to you directly. Further, helping parents keep control of what their children are watching on Crunchyroll or other platforms online.
Lastly, if you have a little one in the family who has an immense love for anime. The solution is not to let them watch anime at all, but to let them watch anime according to their age and set filters through these parental controls on Crunchyroll and similar websites; at the same time, educating them about the content.