Amazon Top-Exec Takes Dig At Metaverse… Again

Metaverse has had a love-hate relationship with people, some are excited and others not so much. Although people have mixed feelings about the whole concept the company seems to just power through. Now they’re in a slight fiasco with Amazon’s head of devices, David Limp.
This week, Limp made his thoughts clear that he doesn’t want to live in a virtual world 24/7. He expressed a similar set of views when asked about it in an interview by financial times last month. His take on spending productive hours of the day in a virtual world was seemingly negative.
What is Limp’s take on the Metaverse?

Firstly, Limp talked about his vision regarding ambient computing in the interview last month. The idea suggests that the computer is everywhere and he’s been keen on the topic for quite a while. Although his idea of computers being around is enticing but Limp is not impressed with the Metaverse.
According to a report by The Verge; Limp was asked what he thought about the metaverse when appearing at The Wall Street Journal’s Future of Everything Festival. While he’s quite optimistic about the future, he is more interested in technology that “enhances the here and now.”
Firstly, Even with modern technology like phones and earbuds, he claimed it can be difficult to connect with his children. This happens regardless of whether them being nearby or in the same house. “I want to try to work on technologies that bring people’s heads up, get them to enjoy the real world about them, make the family a more communal experience,” said Limp.
Limp even had some gripes with the term “Metaverse,” as according to him it is hard to pin down.”if I asked these few hundred people what they thought the metaverse was, we’d get 205 different answers. We don’t have a common definition, it means a lot of different things to a lot of different people” he said.
Secondly, He describes when it comes to Meta, Mark Zuckerberg had tried his best to
Enlighten people about the “Metaverse”. However, according to Limp “he’s pretty long on vision and short on concrete details” while supporting the role of AR glasses
What does Limp think about AR glasses?
Limp spoke in favor of the AR glasses saying they work better than VR in a few key aspects. Although both are head mounting devices, AR doesn’t completely take you away from the real world. However, he said, “I wouldn’t like it if it completely embeds everybody and distracts them from the here and now.”
Meta has been taking a lot of heat lately for their proposed future. Various personalities have been critiquing the idea of “The Metaverse” altogether saying no real meaning comes out of it. The former head of Nintendo of America Reggie Fils-Aimé had some interesting things to say about the company. “Facebook itself is not an innovative company” ridiculing the company’s choices and stating that he’s not a fan.
Although the backlash seems real, there absolutely no guarantee that the Metaverse is destined to fail. There will soon be a reality where people wear headsets and roam around a virtual world. Do you want to see such a future or are you happy with the real world? Tell us in the comments.